239 SE Court Ave (First Love)

We took a very serious look at this location to build our dream. The Ladow building was built in the late 1800s and was originally a farm implement sales and repair building with retail offices and general apartment housing on the second floor. It has great look and feel to it. 

The other positive for this location is that it is located exactly across the street from Prodigal Son Brewery and Pub . The discoverability of this location would be off the charts. You walk outside Prodigal and boom you are looking right at our distillery. What a great way for potential customers to find you. It would be the booze district of Pendleton Oregon!

Sadly we couldn't strike a rental agreement based on a lot of factors one being that there are a lot of potential fire hazards with running a distillery would would have forced us to spend a lot of capital just to be compliant. It is a great building and our true first love.